Besides, I was in my thirties when Roger left the group. “The thought of him coming into something that has any form of democracy to it, he just wouldn’t be good at that. He is very used to being the sole power behind his career. However, he didn’t hold back when he offered an opinion on his former bandmate to Rolling Stone in 2014, stating: “Why on Earth anyone thinks what we do now would have anything to do with him is a mystery to me. Gilmour has resisted retaliation to Waters’ latest snarls. I actually get along with both of them, and I think it’s really disappointing that these rather elderly gentlemen are still at loggerheads.” I’m hesitant to get too stuck into this one, just because it’s between the two of them rather than me.

He then added: “It’s a constant irritation, really, that he’s still going back to it.

I think it rankles with Roger that he made a sort of error in a way that he left the band assuming that without him it would fold.” He feels that writing is everything, and that guitar playing and the singing are something that, I won’t say anyone can do, but that everything should be judged on the writing rather than the playing. The feud between the two men was put into context during an interview with Rolling Stone in 2018, as Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason speculated: “It’s a really odd thing in my opinion But I think the problem is Roger doesn’t really respect David. We should rise up…or, just change the name of the band to Spinal Tap and then everything will be hunky-dory.” “We’re not allowed to even mention on the official Pink Floyd website,” Waters fumed. I think he thinks that because I left the band in 1985, that he owns Pink Floyd, that he is Pink Floyd and I’m irrelevant and I should just keep my mouth shut.” Waters then took aim at Gilmour’s wife, sniping that some of his friends recently asked him: “Why do we have to sit and watch Polly Samson, year after year, month after month, day after day – and the Von Trapps reading us excerpts from their novels to get us to go to sleep at night? “But it does bring up the question: why is this video not available on a website that calls itself The Pink Floyd website? Well, the answer to that is because nothing from me is on the website – I am banned by David Gilmour from the website.” “One and half million of you have viewed our new version of ‘Mother’, which is lovely – it really warms my heart,” Waters stated. In a five-minute video shared on his official Twitter page in 2020, Waters lamented the decision not to allow him access to the Pink Floyd social media channels, yet, Gilmour’s wife Polly Samson can use the platforms to promote her novels. However, despite Waters leaving Pink Floyd 36 years ago, he still manages to find things that irritate him about Gilmour. One would assume that this would stop all the churlish digs they have hurled at one another over the years. It’s remarkable that the duo managed to get on the same page for Hyde Park, even if it was just a one-off in aid of charity. To add credence to their initial claims that the reunion wasn’t about the cash, not even that kind of money could get Waters and Gilmour back on the road together again. Following the comeback, Pink Floyd was then being offered a mind-boggling $150million payout in return for a US tour following the Hyde Park appearance. It goes without saying the performance was an utter triumph. However, there remains a lingering belief that all hope may not be lost after all, in 2008, the duo still had differences, but they “ agreed to roll over for one night only” to get through the show. You can’t say it’s going to cease to exist you obviously don’t understand English jurisprudence.'”ĭespite the unlikely reunion in 2005 for a performance at Live 8, a show in which the band managed to put their differences aside for a cause much more significant than their own, the Waters-Gilmour days are long gone, and the chances of another Pink Floyd show is now seemingly impossible. Detailing further, Waters added: “Because when I went to these chaps and said, ‘Listen we’re broke, this isn’t Pink Floyd anymore,’ they went, ‘What do you mean? That’s irrelevant, it is a label, and it has commercial value.