3d set extension models squidoo
3d set extension models squidoo

These concepts are not orthogonal by any stretch of the imagination, but it might help to keep in mind that each of them can be studied without the other. Indeed, there are pretty deep concepts behind each of them: C++ is related to fundamental programming concepts, object orientation, and metaprogramming, OpenGL deals with framebuffer rendering/graphics, and Linux development deals with source control, Makefiles, compilers, and configuration setups. I just want to point out that there are 3 different topics you're talking about there: I can't recommend the C++ FAQ Lite highly enough. Learning C++ is (really) a different question. Again, as has been mentioned over and over, the Red Book is probably your best bet. There are tons of options, the man pages were not written for the beginner. I definitely share your pain when it comes to setting up things like the rendering context, the camera, etc, etc, etc. Which makes them a good place to long as you remember the grain of salt. But they're good, quick examples of getting something set up and seeing results pretty much immediately. Like other posters have mentioned, they're a little out of date, and the programming style isn't all that great. The NeHe tutorials are good for what they are. Probably because it's very low level and doesn't hide implementation details like, say, SDL does. There are other OpenGL implementations for python, but I had the best luck learning by using pyglet. It probably isn't stable enough for production, but it's much faster to learn when you have the command interpreter and don't have to wait around for the compiler/linker.

3d set extension models squidoo

You get all the goodness of python, yet you're using the same OpenGL calls you'd use in a "real" programming language. Pyglet is a simple python gaming library that is an excellent resource for learning OpenGL.

3d set extension models squidoo

You want to broaden your horizons to C++īoth are good goals, but they're also two distinctly different goals.I say that, because I was asking myself pretty much exactly those same questions just a few months back.

3d set extension models squidoo